My perfect guy for me is:
-smiles a lot
-always there for me
-nice to me
-always kind hearted
-makes me laugh
-makes my day bright
-encourages me
-not a jealous type
but i think it is going to be hard to find this kind of guy...
muhahahahha.....yea im cool....hahahaa....susan is rite nice body but ugly head..... :pervie: :pervie: :pervie: :pervie: :pervie: :pervie: :pervie: :pervie:
UGH...that dude he's pretty cool but annoying and also nice in some way...gosh why do you have to bring him up....where talking bout BIE not ERSON... :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:
gurl are you mad already cause i said that dang that is nice i like you....BIE is okayesh dude.... :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9:
My name is precious than urs jealous...DAWB is not my middle name it got deleted because no one in my family calls me that only me american name....MUHAHAHAHAHHAAHA....
My name is precious than urs jealous...DAWB is not my middle name it got deleted because no one in my family calls me that only me amerisan name....MUHAHAHAHAHHAAHA....
hahhaha...of course you were fussing over him with porchia so i dnt want this dude cuz there are still more hot dudes..... :coverlaf: :coverlaf: :coverlaf: :coverlaf: :coverlaf: :coverlaf: :coverlaf: :coverlaf: :coverlaf:
If you choose Bie please please comment this...and of course im a fan of anything... :kiss3: :w-scene-pop-corn: