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  • How I wish I was able to discover AsianFuse and Spicyforum when I was still a student... I just discovered both sites recently...
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    Reactions: Waffle
    And some sections of SF are protected -____- I think it would be better if it is open to all too I mean not everyone can be active and some are already contented with reading updates and everything...
    Some section are protected for moderators and some are for membership purposes. I'm sure you're able to see the content once you're sign in.

    BTW! Welcome to AF; better late than never. You didn't miss much except the JLR fever and the fan war with the SB fans lol Don't worry, we're all in peace lol
    Cecilia Oh I see. thank you! :) what's JLR fever hehehe and what why did the fanwar happened? SB is Sawan Biang right? I really don't like seeing fanwars hopefully the forums will continue to be in peace with one another hihi :D
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