Search results

  1. mailee0515

    Actresses who still won't do a real kiss

    I think it's safe to say that Aff will probably never do a kiss scene...she's very conservative and traditional so I can bet that we'll never see her kiss on-screen :)
  2. mailee0515

    How to Become an Actress/Actors

    Connections, connection, connections. Of course, looks matter too but in the Thai film industry, it's all about who you know.
  3. mailee0515


    Hehhehe... I don't know if I'm just a very sensitive person but I try not to use any sensitive words like that. Some of my African American friends don't mind but still I don't use it. I'd rather play it safe because I hate it when people call "asian babe" even though it isn't offensive. I...
  4. mailee0515

    Can someone teach me how to become a better Nyab Hmong?

    Good lord honey, no one can teach you to be a better Nyab Hmoob. Remember that you can't satisfy everyone and you have your life too. I have seen that a lot of times when Hmong girls are married, they seem to think their single life is over; trust me, it is far from over. The best thing to do...
  5. mailee0515

    Controlling boyfriend

    I'm sure your friend already has the answer to all your questions. Depending on how far their relationship has progressed, if your friend values herself, she needs to leave this relationship. No one should feel threatened or belittled by their significant other; this guy seems like a control...
  6. mailee0515


    Don't do it! Everything happens for a reason; since you are "in the moment" all these questions will no doubt enter your head but just let it pass. Don't go to the past; look towards the future and time will heal everything for you.
  7. mailee0515


    I know that Laos is the last place that youngsters probably think of when they want to travel. But, I really recommend every Hmong person go back once and visit. You probably will have the most horrendous living accommodations and see the weirdest bugs at night but to see your fellow Hmong...
  8. mailee0515

    Hmong Superstitions

    I'm a Lee and I recently learned that Lee gals are not supposed to climb up the roof. I guess it brings bad luck in marriage. Really interesting since I almost climbed up there to fix the satellite but does anyone really believe in these superstitions?
  9. mailee0515

    if you have cousins that are cruel and selfish???

    Don't be upset. Unfortunately, you're not the only one. I have cousins like that too. The best advice I can give you is to be yourself. Hold your head high and don't let them ruin your day. People like them thrive on you being upset because they know they have an impact on you. Don't...
  10. mailee0515

    ST Universal Video

    Hey everyone! I am looking for two movies dubbed by ST Universal Videos back in the '90s. One is an Indian movie where the girl was forced to marry a rich family. On her wedding night, she was almost raped by her husband's uncle or something and she ran away. On her way, she meets this lady...
  11. mailee0515

    Wong Wian Hua Jai (Ch7 Kantana)

    I was asking the same thing!!!! Geez, that is so creepy, sleeping next to a dead body like that even though it's really sad too :(
  12. mailee0515

    Wong Wian Hua Jai (Ch7 Kantana)

    Ewwwww.....if you guys hate's episode is going to make you hate her even more :arrg:
  13. mailee0515

    Dil Bole Hadippa [ MOVIE ]

    I can't wait either. They look like a good pair despite their slight age difference. Check out this re-mix, it's pretty good and wow, they both can dance.
  14. mailee0515

    Parents thought about me?

    Modern tradition allows us to just hang out at each other's home regardless of whether we are different genders. Most parents are polite so they don't say anything if a girl comes over and hangs out with their sons but most of the time, it's pretty uncomfortable. Personally, I don't like it...
  15. mailee0515

    Chinese 12 Animals Movie

    Yes, i have tried YT and googled it everywhere. This is an old one so it is very difficult to find.
  16. mailee0515

    Chinese 12 Animals Movie

    For sure. Let me know how much you want for it. You can call me 651-399-2381 or e-mail and I'll provide you with a shipping address. Thanks a lot!
  17. mailee0515

    Chinese 12 Animals Movie

    I searched all over youtube from it and no one has it uploaded. I am trying to get it as a surprise for my brother. His birthday is coming up in July. Could I buy it from you?
  18. mailee0515

    Chinese 12 Animals Movie

    Oh my gosh, can I buy it from you? It's like an all time classic with my family and especially my brother. His birthday is coming up and I wanted to get it from him.
  19. mailee0515

    Chinese 12 Animals Movie

    I am looking for a hmong dubbed version of the chinese movie about the 12 zodiac animals. It is very old but my favorite movie of all time. Does anyone know where I can look for it? Does anyone have a copy that I can buy from? It's about a princess who goes in search of the 12 animals to...
  20. mailee0515

    Cover up Shooting in Fong Lee Case

    I am not related to Fong's family but my father and the Lee clan is all together on this. Although I try to keep neutral in the case, I can't help but feel more and more that the police department is lying. The case is going on trial on May 1 so I really hope there can be some closure. If it...
  21. mailee0515

    Sapai Glai Peun Tiang(Polyplus)

    When does this lakorn air?
  22. mailee0515

    Lakorn DVD for sell (cont.)

    I want Sapai Jao and Proon Nee Chun Ja Rak Khun. What's your email and we can talk.
  23. mailee0515

    Seu Ruk Chuck Yai Olaworn (Broadcast)

    Just saw last episode today and boy it was so funny! :P There were such funny moments when Win returned and they thought he was a ghost! But there were also some sad moments too especially for Boongie and Dream. OVerall, this was such a great lakorn and I've never laughed so much. Thanks to...
  24. mailee0515

    Seu Ruk Chuck Yai Olaworn (Broadcast)

    They also starred together in a lakorn called Keuy Yai Sapai Lek, which is a very cute lakorn. Look under Cident's channel on youtube, it's all loaded.
  25. mailee0515

    Katreeya English may have tour in US and Europe!!

    OMG! If that's true I hope she comes to Minnesota again, she has a lot of fans out here! Her last concert here was so good. I would definitely go VIP this time if she comes again. :D
  26. mailee0515

    Kwarm Lub Kaung Superstar (Exact)

    I agree with you. I hope this isn't a reflection of what "humans" should do because no matter what, it's wrong to be humiliated like that when you are in pain. The humane thing to do is to get help.
  27. mailee0515

    Roy Leh Sanae Rai

    Here is the link for the English subtitles version. Someone is currently subbing it (Thank you)
  28. mailee0515

    Chompoo Araya & Tangmoe Pataratida

    Seriously, Araya is a really beautiful girl but lately her photoshoots have been show casing her looking so deglamorized and the photos look really slutty. Don't get me wrong, I am a big Araya fan but she seriously need to re-analyze the magazine she is shooting for. It doesn't send out a good...
  29. mailee0515

    Are Thai stars approachable?

    I met Kat English when she came for her concert and she was awesome. She made eye contact with her audience and when I was shaking her hands, she was very nice. I guess it depends on each celebrity. Kat also visited my friend's store and she was very humble. So far she is the only Thai star...
  30. mailee0515

    [Ch3] Sawan Bieng (Lakorn Thai)

    Basically, Ken doesn't believe that Ann is carrying his child because she said that it's Tom's. So, Ann's mom got mad basically said that Ken doesn't have to do anything because she's there and she will take care of Ann since Ken can't be man enough to take responsibility. She just told him...
  31. mailee0515

    Sawan Being

    Nah..I have no doubt that Noi would mind the kissing scnese because being an actress herself, she probably understands that it is strictly professional. Plus, the intimate scenes and kissing scenes between Ken and Ann are not even close to American "R" scenes. It was done tastefully and it was...
  32. mailee0515

    Katreeya English

    I got to see her!!! :P She was awesome and a great entertainer. I gotta say that she has a lot of comic flare because most of the time she was making people laugh with her funny wits and even without her dancers, she was great!!! I got to shake her hand and see her up close and have to say...
  33. mailee0515

    Mae Hau Lam Pong (Step Onward)

    I actually like it. It's really funny and the two main characters have good chemistry together. You should give it a try, I'm glad I did. Oh yeah, the pra'ek is so cute!!! :P
  34. mailee0515

    List Lakorn Joy

    I don't know if anyone has answered you yet but since I've seen almost all of Joy's lakorns, I can give you a brief summary of Sai Noi Cafe. Sao Noi Cafe Joy is an orphan that lives with her aunt and cousin. Her aunt owns this bar called Sao Noi Cafe and everytime they have a great singer...
  35. mailee0515


    I am going to take a wild guess and say that this is cute Pat! :)
  36. mailee0515

    King Kaew Kar Fark (Maker Group)

    Just watched the first episode and I was laughing like crazy! Pat and Por are so freaking hilarious in here. Make sure you catch the fight scene in the first episode :lol:
  37. mailee0515

    Aum Atichart

    I don't know about anyone, but looking at those pictures, wouldn't Aum make a hot vampire? :P
  38. mailee0515

    Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)

    Oh my god you crack me up! That made my day! :)
  39. mailee0515

    favorite scenes from JLR drama aka "Defendant of Love"

    I don't know where to begin. I love every scene of them together whether it was in the jungle or in the city. I love this drama so much, it's been a while since I have been so addicted! :P
  40. mailee0515

    Kissing Scenes Anyone?

    Great post :D I think that it's great to preserve the culture by not having kisses but the trend of kissing is starting to be common in Thai lakorns. I think that as long as the kiss scene is necessary and is shot in a good way than yeah, why not? Either way, I'm fine as long as the story is...
  41. mailee0515

    Kissing Scenes Anyone?

    Since I love Chakrit, I must agree with you. He sure is great when it comes romance scenes and his kiss scenes are H.O.T! :P
  42. mailee0515

    Kissing Scenes Anyone?

    Okay, I don't know if anyone has brought this topic up before. I am a lover of thai lakorns and I have constantly kept up to date with them. Throughout the years, I have recently started to see that thai lakorns are starting to be modern and add in kiss scenes in a tasteful way. However, most...